Hey guys! =] My apologies for not blogging after my appointment like I said I would. Things were really busy this week with mine and my dad's birthday (his is the third of August and mine is the fourth) and yesterday my internet was down all day until last night when Mom came home from work (at 6:00!) and we unplugged and replugged the modem in to get it to work (idk if this happens with everyone else's modems but w/e lol). If that hadn't had happened then I would've updated yesterday but it did and now I must sit here and blog to you all on a Friday afternoon. I was afraid that I was actually going to forget to do this this week and was thinking that this was the first step of abandoning this thing but I remembered =].
So I've now been in braces for six weeks and while for most braces wearers this also means the first adjustment day, for me, this is my second adjustment. The appointment on Wednesday was actually quite shaky but not because of the obvious; the appointment part actually went well. Dino and Brittany changed the ligs like usual (btw, I don't know what kind of drugs people take before going in for adjustments and saying that it doesn't hurt but I take two Advil before going and putting the ligs on still hurts like hell); I stuck with baby blue again because I really like how they don't look so obvious right away to people unless they look way up close. They also did two shocker things that I hadn't expected because I hadn't been told this directly; first thing they did was put a tiny spring on the my canine tooth on the top teeth on the right (your left) side; the one that always looked like a fang to me haha. It's small and you can't really see it; to me it looks more like a rubber band hook. When I asked why I needed to have this, Dino said it was going to help rotate that tooth more or something, idk. But it appears to be doing it's job because that tooth is looking awesome!
Another shocker thing they did (which wasn't horrible at all) was put something called a "bumper sleeve" on my bottom wire, specifically at the end of both sides of the wire where it connects to the molar band (it's on both sides, on my two teeth that just have wire on them, no brackets). It's light blue to match my ligs and it isn't near the torture device that I thought it was going to be when I heard Dino and Brittany talk about it at my last appointment (I thought it was their word for a power chain hahahaha). The way Dino explained it to me was that it was used to keep those teeth from moving too close together as the rubber bands changed my bite around.
The last thing they did was trim off the end of the wire that was poking me and they also changed my lower wire from a size 38 to a 28. I don't know what the numbers and all that mean so I'm not going to say anything else on it.
Now onto the "shaky" parts of my appointment. As you all know, I go every three weeks for adjustments (for now, idk if it'll change to six weeks later on). When I went to the front desk to make my appointment, they had a spot available for me on the 26th at 3:00. My aunt, who was sitting in the chair and waiting for me (she is my ride to these kind of things since my mom works during the day and I'm currently relearning drving so that I can get my license soon) said very loudly, "NO! I can't do that! I'm not going to be able to make that from work!"
Before I continue, you should know the backstory of my aunt. She's the kind of person that, when in the mood, will tend to intentionally cause drama in everyone's life. Not only did we make my last 3:00 appointment with time to spare (btw she works as an RN at a nursing home until 2:00), but back when I was in high school and we got out at 3:00, she would be there at 2:30 in the afternoon, sometimes with her clothes changed, in the car reading a book!! So why did she have to nearly flip out like that and humiliate me?? =[
I asked the front desk lady nicely if I could please have a 3:30 appointment (much like this current one) but she said she didn't have anything then. So now my next appointment is for September 2nd, on my third day of classes, at 3:30. I made the appointment but I'm not happy about it because I have to leave my last class of the day early (I knew I'd have to do this anyway once school started because Dino's office is only open Monday-Wednesday, which sucks because those are the three days that I have class). My aunt was another one that wasn't happy; the entire way home she was bitching and moaning about how she was going to have to come from work (at 2:00) to get me at PUC (approx. 2:30, maybe a little bit more than that) and then go back to Dino's office (We'd probably get there at three). Maybe I'm just too used to my mom taking me everywhere and juggling things so that everything gets done on time, but I think we could make it with time to spare, still can. It's just that my aunt likes to spread out her time too much and feels she needs to be everywhere an hour in advance. Despite me saying that to her and despite me saying that I could always cancel the appointment, she got mad about it anyway. By the time we were out of the parking lot and heading home, she was already happily talking about other things but this really bugged me. I hate that she makes me feel like this, like it's such a hassle to take me around when my mom and I would take her kids to various ortho/dentist appointments without a complaint. She knows that I'm currently practicing driving and will get my license probably by the end of the year but until then I have to rely on her for rides. Why she can't just take me willingly, I will never understand.
I actually came home in tears. I'd been so upset that I'd forgotten to grab a new bag of rubber bands on my way out (thank God I still have a lot left, this was just for backup and my mom says she can pick up more for me if we need any =]). Also, my new wire is irritating my cheek and lips. Dino bent the wires at the end on both sides to keep it from digging into my cheeks and it's working on the right side but not the left. The wire is clicking anytime I open my mouth (though it hasn't done it much today) and already I'm getting a sore. I've been keeping wax on it and rinsing my mouth out with warm salt water and it's helping immensely as well as Anbesol, but I'm not sure if I want to go back to get it cut off because the wire is small and bent (remember, he did that) and hard to cut anyway. Plus, after what went down with my aunt at this last appointment and because I'm tired of always going back, I'm contemplating waiting until my next appointment to get it fixed. The braces wires have clicked before when I first got my braces, so I'm hoping once my mouth adjusts that that will get better, making the cuts all better (which they are now thanks to the salt water and wax) and the sore better. But I have until Monday to make a decision so we'll see. Maybe my opinion will change then haha.
Wow I've written a lot lol. Until next week! ♥
PS, I finally got a camera for my birthday! =] It's really awesome actually; it's purple and it's both a movie camera and snapshot camera. Once I get a memory stick for it (this weekend) I'll be able to use it so once I do there may be some teeth pics coming this way! ♥
Friday, August 7, 2009
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