Thursday, June 24, 2010

My extreme, extreme apologies and a new blog to follow


First, I'd just like to say how very, very, VERY sorry I am that this hasn't been updated for an eternity. When I first came up with the idea to do a braces blog, I initially planned to stay on top of it, updating it weekly and after every adjustment appointment. I'd planned to post pictures so that I could see for myself how much progress I'd made with my teeth.

Unfortunately, that all fell by the wayside. It definitely wasn't intentional by any means. I knew that once classes started up again and once life took over that updating this was going to be next to impossible, since I'm a full time student and also work as an editor for my campus newspaper. Add that in with the fact that my braces treatment has been very status quo with no major events to write about, like it'd been with my experience with Invisalign, where there was gum removal and care and refinements to deal with and write about often in a notebook.

I just got my braces off this past Tuesday (yay!), June 22nd, exactly one day shy of a year since I had them put on. My teeth look amazing and because of this, I've gotten inspired to write another blog on here about my life post-braces, dealing with getting retainers and things like that. Unlike this blog, where I intended to update it weekly, this one is going to be much more relaxed in terms of updating and this way I don't have to feel like this blog became a failure or something haha, because I'd only write in it if something came up. I'm going to create it in a bit so keep an eye out for it.

To all who have followed me or have lurked in this blog for the past year, my immense apologies for the lack of updating once again and thanks for stopping by and visiting! :) ♥

- Now Former Braces Girl haha.

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