Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Braces, Week 2: July 7th, 2009

It's been two weeks since my braces were put on and I don't really have anything new to report for this week; things have been going good in my braces world. Aside from the annoyance of having to spend countless time in the bathroom picking food out of my wires, my mouth in general has been feeling good and I hardly notice that I have braces on for most of the time. This year was the first 4th of July that I opted out of eating potato chips (which is fine because I only eat 2-3 chips anyway lol) and dip, but on Sunday, my mom and I went to Applebee's and we got that Mi Queso dip (best shit ever!) and I was able to eat that with tortilla chips with no problem. A little bit slower than normal, but overall not too bad. It helped that their chips are not thick and crunchy like the ones at real Mexican restaurants (which, sadly, are chips that I'll probably need to stay away from for awhile) =].

Next week, I'm going back for another appointment so my weekly entry will probably be longer than this. I'm not really sure what the appointment will be like; I heard something when I was getting my braces put on that they would need to put on a couple of more brackets but idk if that's what they're doing or if they're checking alignment or what, we'll have to see.

Until next week! =]

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